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Monday, 31 December 2018

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3540

7 Messages

Digest #3540
Comet Observations 27th December 2018 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep
Comet Observations 28th December 2018 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep
Comet Observations 29th December 2018 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep
38P, 46P, C/2018 L2. by "Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp
Comet Observations 30th December 2018 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep


Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:51 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 27th December 2018

29P/ Schwassmann – Wachmann 1
2018 Dec 27.44 UT; m1= [14.6; Dia= --; DC= --; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Not visible, fainter than magnitude 14.6 star in-focus.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= I; Cat= AQ

C/2018 N2 ASASSN
2018 Dec 27.45 UT; m1= 13.7; Dia= 1.1'; DC= 5/6; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Coma diffuse, faintly stellar in good seeing.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
2018 Dec 27.46 UT; m1= 10.8; Dia= 3.5'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Slight interference from faint background stars, dims slightly in Swan band filter.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

64P/ Swift - Gehrels
2018 Dec 27.46 UT; m1= 9.2; Dia= 8.7'; DC= 5; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Enhances in Swan Band filter, opaque centre, fading to transparent edges.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= TK

C/2016 N6 PanSTARRS
2018 Dec 27.47 UT; m1= 12.3; Dia= 1.3'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Coma very diffuse, difficult due to busy star field. No enhancement in Swan Band filter.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

29 2018 12 27.44 xI[14.6 AQ 25.0L 5 83 ICQ XX WYA
2018N2 2018 12 27.45 xM 13.7 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.1 5/ ICQ XX WYA
2016M1 2018 12 27.46 xS 10.8 AQ 25.0L 5 39 3.5 3 ICQ XX WYA
64 2018 12 27.46 xM 9.2 TK 25.0L 5 39 8.7 5 ICQ XX WYA
2016N6 2018 12 27.47 xS 12.3 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.3 3 ICQ XX WYA

Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 28th December 2018

C/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
2018 Dec 28.45 UT; m1= 10.4; Dia= 3.8'; DC= 4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Close to star, moderately condensed opaque centre, transparent outer coma.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2018 N2 ASASSN
2018 Dec 28.46 UT; m1= 13.9; Dia= 1.5'; DC= 6; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Faintly stellar in good seeing, diffuse coma.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

64P/ Swift - Gehrels
2018 Dec 28.46 UT; m1= 9.2; Dia= 12'; DC= 4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Circular coma, opaque centre, moderately condensed, fading to edges.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= TK

C/2016 N6 PanSTARRS
2018 Dec 28.47 UT; m1= 13.0; Dia= 1.3'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Sometimes faintly stellar, diffuse outer coma, close to star.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

2016M1 2018 12 28.45 xM 10.4 AQ 25.0L 5 39 3.8 4 ICQ XX WYA
2018N2 2018 12 28.46 xM 13.9 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.5 6 ICQ XX WYA
64 2018 12 28.46 xM 9.2 TK 25.0L 5 39 12.0 4 ICQ XX WYA
2016N6 2018 12 28.47 xS 13.0 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.3 3 ICQ XX WYA

Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:02 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 29th December 2018

C/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
2018 Dec 29.45 UT; m1= 10.6; Dia= 4.0'; DC= 4/5; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Small opaque centre, fading to edges.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

2016M1 2018 12 29.45 xM 10.6 AQ 25.0L 5 39 4.0 4/ ICQ XX WYA

Sun Dec 30, 2018 7:30 am (PST) . Posted by:


Hello everybody,
here are my latest comet observations:

C/2018 V1 (Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto):
2018 Nov. 17.19 UT: m1=[9.4, Dia.=!4.5', 20x80 binoculars, NEGATIVE
[No chance to be seen in such altitudes. Fainter than 9.4 mag.]

2018 Dec. 22.80 UT: m1=4.4:, Dia.=&30', DC=0/, 20x80 binoculars
[Observed between clouds and after almost the whole afternoon of rain. Observation was also influenced by strong moonlight. Due to these reasons are the magnitude and coma values uncertain.]

ICQ formats are available on COBS.

Nice day and happy New Year to everyone!
Marek Biely, Czech Republic, Brno (244 m.a.s.l.)

Sun Dec 30, 2018 7:33 am (PST) . Posted by:


Hello everybody,
here are my latest comet observations:

C/2018 V1 (Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto):
2018 Nov. 17.19 UT: m1=[9.4, Dia.=!4.5', 20x80 binoculars, NEGATIVE
[No chance to be seen in such altitudes. Fainter than 9.4 mag.]

2018 Dec. 22.80 UT: m1=4.4:, Dia.=&30', DC=0/, naked eye (1x)

[Observed between clouds and after almost the whole afternoon of rain. Observation was also influenced by strong moonlight. Due to these reasons are the magnitude and coma values uncertain.]

ICQ formats are available on COBS.

Nice day and happy New Year to everyone!
Marek Biely, Czech Republic, Brno (244 m.a.s.l.)

Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:08 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp

2018 Dec. 29.84 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=6', DC=3/,
Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.].

2018 Dec. 29.82 UT: m1=5.1, Dia.=45', DC=3/, 12x45 monocular..
[ In 12x45 monocular: several stars inside the coma,
the brightest being mag. 7.4 (TK). Comet visible to naked eye,
magnitude difficult to estimate due to nearby field stars.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.].

C/2018 L2 (ATLAS):
2018 Dec. 29.77 UT: m1=9.7, Dia.=4.5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Altitude: 14 deg. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.].

( Alto del Castro, Leon, Spain; Alt. 1720 m, 42º 54' N, 5º 48' W;
SQM 21.4 at zenith.).


ICQ Format :

38 2018 12 29.84 S 9.7 TK 20.3T10 100 6 3/ 0.15 260 ICQ XX GON05

46 2018 12 29.82 S 5.1 TK 4.5R 12 45 3/ ICQ XX GON05

2018L2 2018 12 29.77 S 9.7 TK 20.3T10 77 4.5 2/ ICQ XX GON05


J. J. Gonzalez


Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:54 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 30th December 2018

38P/ Stephan - Oterma
2018 Dec 30.66 UT; m1= 10.0; Dia= 4.5'; DC= 3/4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Moonlight; Low altitude = 18.8°; Coma diffuse, opaque centre, transparent outer coma, enhances slightly in Swan band filter.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= TK

C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto
2018 Dec 30.69 UT; m1= 11.3; Dia= 1.4'; DC= 2/3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Moonlight; Coma diffuse, slight brightening to centre, enhances in Swan band filter. Visible at x39 but just above background sky threshold under moonlit conditions, difficult to obtain measurement at that scale. Elongation from the Moon is approximately 21 degrees.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

60P/ Tsuchinshan
2018 Dec 30.71 UT; m1= 13.2; Dia= 2.5'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Moonlight; Difficult, diffuse coma, visible in periods of good seeing.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

38 2018 12 30.66 xM 10.0 TK 25.0L 5 39 4.5 3/ ICQ XX WYA
2018Y1 2018 12 30.69 xS 11.3 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.4 2/ ICQ XX WYA
60 2018 12 30.71 xS 13.2 AQ 25.0L 5 83 2.5 3 ICQ XX WYA

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Monday, 17 December 2018

[BAA-ebulletin 01023] EPWS 2018 Survey on women scientists in Europe

BAA electronic bulletin

Female members of the Association may like to complete this survey as
requested below. And please feel free to circulate widely too.

Best regards,


Callum Potter
British Astronomical Association


Dear Colleagues,

The European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS has launched a general
survey on women scientists at the European level and we are kindly
requesting your cooperation in its dissemination. As you know, EPWS is
representing the needs and concerns of women scientists in Europe and
we wish to know what they are in 2018.

The aims of this initiative are to:
- collect the current needs of women scientists - at all career levels;
- evaluate the professional networks of women scientists and know
their expectations regarding these networks;
- assist EPWS defining appropriate actions to be taken and policies to support;
- help women researchers improving their working conditions and
developing their careers.

This survey is intended for women scientists working in research
institutions or in academia, public or private, members of an EPWS
network or not.

It is designed in accordance with the European directive GRPD relative
of the personal data. The results will be collected anonymously as
well for the person answering as for the institution to which she

EPWS is requesting your participation in the survey dissemination:

- sending the link to all your individual members,
- asking them in turn to distribute the survey to the women
researchers of their own institutions.

It is essential to collect the maximum possible number of answers by
country for the survey to be valid.

The survey will be available until December 31st, 2018, at the link:

I count on your active collaboration for this important action and
thank you very much in advance for disseminating the survey and
answering it yourself at reception of this message.

Claudine Hermann

EPWS President

Claudine Hermann
Présidente d'honneur de l'association Femmes & Sciences
Présidente de la Plateforme européenne des femmes scientifiques
President of the European Platform of Women Scientists,
which offers a vibrant forum for sharing experiences and envisioning
new tools for change towards gender equality in science and research
We welcome new members. Please visit our website or contact us at

BAA-ebulletin mailing list visit:
(c) 2018 British Astronomical Association

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website: