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Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Mooooon Week......

The Apollo 11 lander on its way back (the small blue marble in the background)

Buzz Aldrin on the Lunar surface....
Credit: NASA/Apollo

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin floats in the Lunar Module Eagle 40 years ago before Neil Armstrong and Aldrin piloted the LM to the surface of the Moon for the first manned lunar landing on July 20, 1969. Credit: NASA/Apollo

Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott examines rock samples from his mission in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center. All lunar rocks and soil are kept in inert nitrogen environments to they retain their original character. Credit: NASA/Apollo

Mission Control Room at the Johnson Space Center, Houston was the focal point for both simulation training of flight controller as well as flight control of lunar missions. Credit: NASA/Apollo

The Saturn V carrying the flawed Apollo 13 command/service module that failed and the Grumman lunar module that saved the lives of the Apollo 13 crew awaits launch on Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA/Apollo

Command Module simulator at Kennedy was called "the great train wreck" by Apollo 10/Apollo 16 astronaut John Young (left). Apollo 10 commander Tom Stafford is at right. Credit: NASA/Apollo

Lunar module simulator at Kennedy is flown by Neil Armstrong (left) and Buzz Aldrin prior to Apollo 11 mission. All Apollo lunar module crews spent hundreds of hours in this cockpit now preserved at the Kennedy Saturn V Center. Credit: NASA/Apollo

The Apollo 14 lunar module ascent stage undergoes processing by Grumman and NASA Kennedy Space Center engineers. Astronauts Alan B. Shepard and Edgar Mitchell flew it to the lunar surface in 1971. Credit: NASA/Apollo

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