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Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Clocks back 1 Hour To Greewich Mean Time On Sunday Morning 02.00 Hours...

[October 2009] 

The English have been moving their clocks backwards and forwards since 1916. Businessman William Willett had noticed that during the summer people wasted the light mornings in bed. He proposed that the clocks be moved forward by one hour for summer so that the extra light could be put to better use in the afternoon, and put back for winter.

What does the clocks going back mean to you? Shorter, darker days is just the beginning for most of us.

While we can still enjoy flip flops and holiday memories at the moment, once the clocks change we will have to accept the inevitable. It is the end of summer and the beginning of the relentless, unstoppable descent into Christmas madness.

Almost as soon as those hands go back, we have packed away light, airy summer thoughts. The mornings get darker and the chilliness starts to set in. We notice the pumpkins and spiders decorating the shops. Small children dress like monsters and demand free stuff. Not that unusual, but it is indeed Halloween again.

Within a few days we find ourselves oohing and aahing over fireworks and perhaps even wearing a scarf. Must be Bonfire Night. We can fool ourselves a little longer by playing in the garden and taking fresh country walks in big jumpers. Maybe we can even still sit outside the pub to have a few beers.

But by mid-November there is only one destination: the festive season. Before we know it, we're gazing longingly at aspirational Christmas scenes on magazines, loitering near the wrapping paper, and planning Christmas drinks with old friends. The warm, cosy arms of Christmas are enveloping us.

It's only a matter of time before we find ourselves devouring mince pies, knocking back the mulled wine and singing Fairytale of New York. There is no hope for us.

Every year, we go Christmas crazy and demand joy and goodwill from everyone. Then it's January and we're all depressed. The cosiness of confinement has turned to claustrophobia and we've got at least three more months of it with nothing else to look forward to.

This is when we need to make plans: organise days out; cook some big old roasts for family and friends; book a West End show; take a city break, ski trip or a winter sun holiday. And look forward to spring when the clocks will go forward and we'll start all over again.

by Maxine Clarke.
Isn't it just so nice to have such a short weekend borrowing an hour of daylight from the evening and giving it to the morning so the cock crows a little earlier-well as for me I will be re-setting all the clocks (30 or so) in my house on Monday because the Sabbath day (Sunday) is a rest day and a day of peace, well back to winter and the cold grey and damp dark wet days until the clocks go forward in spring next year and we can all wake up again to the early dawn bird chant.
I actually leave all clocks until Monday morning rather that fiddling around with them on a Sunday considering I have around 30 of them in my house-mind you several are radio controlled so they set automatically-its the other 30 or so I have to go round the house re-setting so I leave it all for the working day of Monday and the new week....

'Spring Forward' and 'Fall Back' - that's how to remember when to change the clocks. This year, 2009, we 'Go Back' early Sunday morning October 26 - so remember to put your clocks back one hour, officially at 1am GMT (2 a.m BST) or for some of us that will be before we go to sleep on Saturday night!
British Summer Time (BST) is the daylight saving time in effect in the UK and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) stays the same all year round and is measured from the Greenwich Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. It is the place from where all time zones are measured. In 2002 an order was made to link our summertime to Europe permanently. This means that the clocks go forward and back on the last Sundays in March and October respectively.
The dates for the next few years are:
2009 March 29 and October 25
2010 March 28 and October 31
2011 March 27 and October 30
Other Useful Links: - see the correct time right now, both local and GMT. - advice on how to prevent crime when the clocks go back.
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)

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