BAA electronic bulletin No. 00462 http://www.britastro.org/
A new object (almost certainly an asteroid) has just been found that will pass
within about 80,000 miles of the Earth around midday on January 13 possibly
reaching brighter than 14th magnitude around 10:00 UT. It was discovered on
January 10 by LINEAR, specifically by M. Blythe, G. Spitz, R. Brungard, J.
Paige, P. Festler of 704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico using a 1.0-m
reflector. Unusually, its orbital period is almost exactly 1.00 year which
might mean it could be artificial in nature. However, its encounter velocity
is high as it passes safely by the Earth which means it must almost certainly
be of a natural origin, in which case it may be around 10 metres across.
In principle, the object will be visible from the UK between 19:00UT on Jan 12
and 04:00 UT on Jan 13 but unfortunately the UK weather prospects for this
time are rather dire! What's new? If you do happen to have clear skies then
the object will be about 15th magnitude moving quite quickly at 40-120 "/min.
Ephemerides of 2010 AL30 for observing locations worldwide can be found by
consulting either the JPL Horizons Web Interface at:
or the Minor Planet Center Ephemeris Page at:
Good luck,
Richard Miles
Director, Asteroids and Remote Planets Section
BAA electronic bulletins service. E-mail: circadmin@britastro.org
Bulletin transmitted on Mon Jan 11 23:20:47 GMT 2010
(c) 2010 British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/
BAA electronic bulletin No. 00462 http://www.britastro.org/
A new object (almost certainly an asteroid) has just been found that will pass
within about 80,000 miles of the Earth around midday on January 13 possibly
reaching brighter than 14th magnitude around 10:00 UT. It was discovered on
January 10 by LINEAR, specifically by M. Blythe, G. Spitz, R. Brungard, J.
Paige, P. Festler of 704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico using a 1.0-m
reflector. Unusually, its orbital period is almost exactly 1.00 year which
might mean it could be artificial in nature. However, its encounter velocity
is high as it passes safely by the Earth which means it must almost certainly
be of a natural origin, in which case it may be around 10 metres across.
In principle, the object will be visible from the UK between 19:00UT on Jan 12
and 04:00 UT on Jan 13 but unfortunately the UK weather prospects for this
time are rather dire! What's new? If you do happen to have clear skies then
the object will be about 15th magnitude moving quite quickly at 40-120 "/min.
Ephemerides of 2010 AL30 for observing locations worldwide can be found by
consulting either the JPL Horizons Web Interface at:
or the Minor Planet Center Ephemeris Page at:
Good luck,
Richard Miles
Director, Asteroids and Remote Planets Section
BAA electronic bulletins service. E-mail: circadmin@britastro.org
Bulletin transmitted on Mon Jan 11 23:20:47 GMT 2010
(c) 2010 British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Web: http://lyra.freewebsites.com/
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Web: http://lyra.freewebsites.com/
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