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Wednesday, 27 October 2010

SPA Weekend of Astronomy

                The SOCIETY for POPULAR ASTRONOMY
        Special Announcement    2010 October 27
If you want to learn more about practical amateur astronomy, the
Society for Popular Astronomy's weekend course of astronomy in
Shropshire on November 26-28 could be just what you need. Places are
still available so be quick and book if you want to be part of it!
The weekend, entitled 'Astronomy With and Without a Telescope' is
aimed at beginners who want to learn the basics of the subject, so
don't worry about being out of your depth. Topics will include how to
learn the night sky, how to know what's up at any particular time of
night, getting to grips with binoculars and telescopes -- that sort of
thing. It'll also cover basic imaging techniques using simple cameras
and webcams and show how to process the images to get the very best
The course is run by two experts and authors of popular books on
astronomy in the subject -- Professor Ian Morison, who as well as his
academic qualifications at Jodrell Bank and Gresham College is also
the SPA's Instrument Adviser, and Robin Scagell, SPA Vice President.
The venue is Preston Montford Hall, set in the Shropshire countryside
just a few miles from Shrewsbury, yet with darker skies than most of
us get at home. Practical observing is planned if skies are clear, and
there's also the chance for solar observing. Participants are
encouraged to bring their own telescopes if they have them, and
there'll be a Telescope Clinic if you're uncertain how to set it up.
If you don't have a telescope there will be instruments available for
you to look through.
The SPA's weekend courses are famous for being fun as well as
instructive! The event runs from the evening of Friday November 26 to
the afternoon of Sunday November 28. The fee includes all
accommodation and meals, and there are no extras apart from your own
travel to the location. People can be collected from Shrewsbury if
required at no extra charge. The cost of the weekend is £139 per
person, payable in advance. To book or to find out more, go to:
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)

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