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Monday, 13 June 2011

IMPORTANT K.A.G EMAIL: Total Eclipse of the Moon: 2011 June 15

Please Reply back so I know how many will be attending on the 15th June Wednesday at the Sailors Home Observing Night-thankyou.
IMPORTANT K.A.G EMAIL: Total Eclipse of the Moon: 2011 June 15
There is a Total Lunar Eclipse of the Moon on Wednesday June 15th of this year starting at 09.15 pm when the Moon rises in full Eclipse-and I have decided to have a small meeting at Sailors Home pub car park at Kessingland Beach for people to view this as it is an excellent viewing spot for the Eclipse to observe (clear skies and weather permitting) I have ask Paul Poppy who I know and is the landlord of the Pub what he thinks-he has said its alright to go ahead and also if people can bring some equipment (Telescopes, Binoculars etc) to view it as people would be most intrigued to see this being it the height of the Summer season and several people get in the pub around this time of the year-I will also pay for some food and buffet for the evening once I know how many people will be attending and coming along-its all good fun and to enjoy the night.
Wed, 15 June, 20:00 – 23:00 GMT+01:00
Sailors Home Public House and Car Park (Observational)
Who is invited
Colin James Watling
Barry Fillingham
John Elsdon
Mark Nettleton
Ria Oldroyd
Andrew Mason
Brian Philpott
C the Builder
Charlie H
Craig Preece
Iain Allsop
Iain Saville
Julian Sanger
John Perring
lee burghs
Martin Smith
Peter Lloyd
Reg Hunt
Richard Chilvers
Shaun Smith
Simon Fuller
Pam Summer
Cheesy Biatch
Miss Emms
Rare Young Dude
Peter Green
And several others are also welcome
You are all Invited to:
Total Eclipse of the Moon: 2011 June 15
Sailors Home Pub Car Park-20.00 Hours (8pm onwards) Clear Skies and Weather Permitting-all welcome
Hello all Astronomers...
There is a Total Lunar Eclipse of the Moon on Wednesday June 15th of this year starting at 09.15 pm when the Moon rises in full Eclipse-and I have decided to have a small meeting at Sailors Home pub car park at Kessingland Beach for people to view this as it is an excellent viewing spot for the Eclipse to observe (clear skies and weather permitting) I have ask Paul Poppy who I know and is the landlord of the Pub what he thinks-he has said its alright to go ahead and also if people can bring some equipment (Telescopes, Binoculars etc) to view it as people would be most intrigued to see this being it the height of the Summer season and several people get in the pub around this time of the year-I will also pay for some food and buffet for the evening once I know how many people will be attending and coming along-its all good fun and to enjoy the night.
Please reply to this Email so I know how many will be attending so I know how much food to put on-also the Sailors Home is a real ale Pub (Camara award) and Family Restaurant for anyone that likes to savour very local ales and their good food.
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)

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