BAA electronic bulletin
There's been a plethora of new objects reported recently, mainly
novae, but also one supernova.
PSN J07361576-6930230 = SN 2015F
Discovered on 2015 March 09.789 by Berto Monard in NGC 2442 at R.A. =
07h36m15s.76, Decl. = -69°30'23".0. Latest estimates have it around
magnitude 13.3V. Martin Mobberley has uploaded an image here:
NOVA SAGITTARII 2015 NO. 2 = PNV J18365700-2855420
Discovered by John Seach, Chatsworth island, NSW, Australia on 2015
March 15.63UT at magnitude 6.0 using a DSLR and 50mm f/1.0 lens. The
object is located at: RA 18h 36m 56.84s DEC -28 55' 39.8" (2000). An
optical spectrum by S. C. Williams of Liverpool John Moores University
obtained 2015 March 16.27 UT using the FRODOspec spectrograph on the
Liverpool Telescope indicates N Sgr 2015 No. 2 is a classical Fe II
nova. Recent observations report it at around magnitude 5.0.
PNV J18142514-2554343
Discovered by Hideo Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan), Koichi Nishiyama
(Kurume, Japan) and Fujio Kabashima (Miyaki, Japan) at an unfiltered
magnitude of around 11. It is located at: RA 18h14m25.24s DDEC -25 54'
32.6" (2000). Echelle spectra by Frederick Walter (Stony Brook
University) taken on the night of 2015 February 15/16 near maximum
light indicate that N Sgr 2015 is a classical Fe II nova. Latest
observations have it at around magnitude 11.6.
Elizabeth Waagen reports on AAVSO Special Notice 397 the announcement
on the CBAT Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP) of the discovery
of a bright transient in Scorpio. Tadashi Kojima (Japan) detected the
transient on 2015 February 11.836UT at unfiltered CCD magnitude 8.2
using a 150-mm f/2.8 lens + a digital camera. It is located at: RA 17h
03m 26.20s DEC -35 04'14.0" 2000). Frederick Walter, Stony Brook
University reports on ATEL 7060 an observation with the Chiron Echelle
Spectrograph on the SMARTS/CTIO 1.5m on 2015 February 13 at 09:38UT.
This confirms that this object is a nova. Current observations show
it at around magnitude 13.6V.
PNV J17291350-1846120
Discoverer: Yukio Sakurai, Ibaraki-ken, Japan R.A. 17h29m13.50s
Decl. -18°46'12.0" (J2000.0) 2015 March 29.766 UT, 12.2 mag (CCD,
unfiltered). Latest observations show it to be at magnitude 11.9V. A
discovery image can be seen at:
http://www.oaa.gr.jp/~oaacs/image/PnovaOph.jpg. According to
Fujii-san, Balmer lines with P Cyg-type profile (1900km/s) were
observed. He I (5048A, 5876A, 6678A, 7065A) and N II
(5001A, 5479A, 5679A, 5938A) were also in emission. N III (4640A) and
O I (7773A) might be present. The nova appears to be a He/N-type one.
PNV J20145000+1903300
Discoverer: Akihiko Tago, Okayama-ken, Japan R.A. 20h14m52.98s Decl.
+19°03'52.2" (J2000.0) 2015 March 21.758 UT, 8.5 mag (CCD, unfiltered)
Patrick Schmeer notes on vsnet-alert 18475 that the object is NOT a
The charts for many of these objects may be created using the AAVSO
Variable Star Plotter (VSP) at http://www.aavso.org/vsp.
31st March 2015
BAA-ebulletin mailing list visit:
(c) 2015 British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/
BAA electronic bulletin
There's been a plethora of new objects reported recently, mainly
novae, but also one supernova.
PSN J07361576-6930230 = SN 2015F
Discovered on 2015 March 09.789 by Berto Monard in NGC 2442 at R.A. =
07h36m15s.76, Decl. = -69°30'23".0. Latest estimates have it around
magnitude 13.3V. Martin Mobberley has uploaded an image here:
NOVA SAGITTARII 2015 NO. 2 = PNV J18365700-2855420
Discovered by John Seach, Chatsworth island, NSW, Australia on 2015
March 15.63UT at magnitude 6.0 using a DSLR and 50mm f/1.0 lens. The
object is located at: RA 18h 36m 56.84s DEC -28 55' 39.8" (2000). An
optical spectrum by S. C. Williams of Liverpool John Moores University
obtained 2015 March 16.27 UT using the FRODOspec spectrograph on the
Liverpool Telescope indicates N Sgr 2015 No. 2 is a classical Fe II
nova. Recent observations report it at around magnitude 5.0.
PNV J18142514-2554343
Discovered by Hideo Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan), Koichi Nishiyama
(Kurume, Japan) and Fujio Kabashima (Miyaki, Japan) at an unfiltered
magnitude of around 11. It is located at: RA 18h14m25.24s DDEC -25 54'
32.6" (2000). Echelle spectra by Frederick Walter (Stony Brook
University) taken on the night of 2015 February 15/16 near maximum
light indicate that N Sgr 2015 is a classical Fe II nova. Latest
observations have it at around magnitude 11.6.
Elizabeth Waagen reports on AAVSO Special Notice 397 the announcement
on the CBAT Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP) of the discovery
of a bright transient in Scorpio. Tadashi Kojima (Japan) detected the
transient on 2015 February 11.836UT at unfiltered CCD magnitude 8.2
using a 150-mm f/2.8 lens + a digital camera. It is located at: RA 17h
03m 26.20s DEC -35 04'14.0" 2000). Frederick Walter, Stony Brook
University reports on ATEL 7060 an observation with the Chiron Echelle
Spectrograph on the SMARTS/CTIO 1.5m on 2015 February 13 at 09:38UT.
This confirms that this object is a nova. Current observations show
it at around magnitude 13.6V.
PNV J17291350-1846120
Discoverer: Yukio Sakurai, Ibaraki-ken, Japan R.A. 17h29m13.50s
Decl. -18°46'12.0" (J2000.0) 2015 March 29.766 UT, 12.2 mag (CCD,
unfiltered). Latest observations show it to be at magnitude 11.9V. A
discovery image can be seen at:
http://www.oaa.gr.jp/~oaacs/image/PnovaOph.jpg. According to
Fujii-san, Balmer lines with P Cyg-type profile (1900km/s) were
observed. He I (5048A, 5876A, 6678A, 7065A) and N II
(5001A, 5479A, 5679A, 5938A) were also in emission. N III (4640A) and
O I (7773A) might be present. The nova appears to be a He/N-type one.
PNV J20145000+1903300
Discoverer: Akihiko Tago, Okayama-ken, Japan R.A. 20h14m52.98s Decl.
+19°03'52.2" (J2000.0) 2015 March 21.758 UT, 8.5 mag (CCD, unfiltered)
Patrick Schmeer notes on vsnet-alert 18475 that the object is NOT a
The charts for many of these objects may be created using the AAVSO
Variable Star Plotter (VSP) at http://www.aavso.org/vsp.
31st March 2015
BAA-ebulletin mailing list visit:
(c) 2015 British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website: http://www.lyra-astro.co.uk/
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