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Sunday, 27 January 2019

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3549

2 Messages

Digest #3549
CCD-OBS: C/2017 T2 by "Artyom Novichonok" artnovich
C/2018 L2, 29P, 38P, 46P, 64P. by "Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp


Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:46 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Artyom Novichonok" artnovich

2019 Jan. 25.74 UT: m1=15.5 (CR), Dia.=0.3', DC=8, Tail=14'' (PA 165 deg) ...26-cm Ritchey-Chretien telescope + CCD ...A. Novichonok & A. Aliev (ISON-Kitab observatory)

All my obs and light curve here:

Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:11 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp

C/2018 L2 (ATLAS):
2019 Jan. 25.79 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Mag. 11.3 (TK) star in coma. Altitude: 12 deg.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 20.3.].

2019 Jan. 25.80 UT: m1=10.0, Dia.=7', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Faint and diffuse outer coma diameter : 7', providing m=10.0 (TK),
remnant of previous outbursts. Altitude: 24 deg. Sidgwick method.
Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 20.7.].

2019 Jan. 25.82 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Mag. 12.4 (APASS) star in coma. Sidgwick method.
Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.3.].

2019 Jan. 25.84 UT: m1=6.2, Dia.=35', DC=3, 12x45 monocular.
[ Mag. 5.3 (TK) star in coma. Sidgwick method.
Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.3.].

2019 Jan. 25.86 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Mag. 12.1 (TK) star in coma. Sidgwick method.
Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.2.].

( Villacintor, Leon, Spain; Alt. 930 m, 42º 29' N, 5º 11' W ;
SQM 21.4 at zenith.).


ICQ Format :

2018L2 2019 01 25.79 S 9.3 TK 20.3T10 77 6 1/ ICQ

29 2019 01 25.80 S 10.0 TK 20.3T10 100 7 1 ICQ XX

38 2019 01 25.82 S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 100 5 3 ICQ XX

46 2019 01 25.84 S 6.2 TK 4.5R 12 35 3 ICQ XX

64 2019 01 25.86 S 9.8 TK 20.3T10 100 5 3 ICQ XX


J. J. Gonzalez


Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Charts-info Astrosite Groningen (January 22, 2019)

Dear comet observers,

Our charts service will be resumed from today.

Thanks to all subscribers that have sent get well messages; it was
really appreciated.

We have prepared the following new charts:


- a 4.5x6.0 degrees chart for the period 24 January - 8 February 2019

- a 3.0x4.0 degrees chart for the period 8 - 16 February 2019

These are now available in the charts section of our homepage at:

Reinder Bouma/Edwin van Dijk

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Saturday, 19 January 2019


BAA electronic bulletin


This coming Monday, in the early morning hours of January 21, there will be
a total eclipse of the Moon.  Full Moon itself occurs at 05:16 UT on January
21 with lunar perigee (its closest approach to the Earth) occurring just 14h
43m later at 19:59 UT. When a Full Moon occurs close to the Moon's perigee,
it is often dubbed a 'Supermoon'.  This is why some people are calling this
is a 'Supemoon eclipse'.

Eclipses of the Moon occur when the Full Moon passes through the cone of
shadow cast by the Earth into space. Weather permitting this will be a
fascinating event to watch from the British Isles because the eclipse will
be visible in its entirety everywhere, giving plenty of opportunities for
stunning pictures of a 'ghostly red Moon'.

The lunar eclipse begins at 02:36 UT (in the early hours of Monday morning)
when the Moon enters the fainter outer part of the Earth's shadow known as
the penumbra. At this time the Moon will be fairly high in the south-west,
almost directly below, and in line with, the stars Castor and Pollux in
Gemini, the Twins.

The main phase of the eclipse begins at 03:33 UT when the Moon first enters
the central, dark part of the Earth's shadow known as the umbra and the
partial eclipse begins. The eclipse becomes total at 04:41 UT and lasts for
a full 1 hour 2 minutes. Maximum eclipse is at 05:12 UT.  At this time the
Moon will be dropping down into the western sky, among the faint stars of
Cancer, the Crab, but still high enough to be well clear of trees and

The total phase of the eclipse ends at 05:43 UT. As the Moon will be passing
through the upper part of the Earth's umbral shadow, it is probable that the
northern parts of  the eclipsed Moon may appear quite bright even during
mid-totality, but one never quite knows how dark or how bright a lunar
eclipse will be. Everything depends on the conditions in the Earth's upper
atmosphere through which all light falling onto the shadowed Moon has to
pass. There have been lunar eclipses when the Moon has been difficult to
find even with a telescope, while at other eclipses it has remained bright
red or vividly coloured.  The Moon appears a reddish hue because of Rayleigh
scattering - the same effect that causes sunrises and sunsets to appear
reddish - and the refraction of that light by the Earth's atmosphere into
its umbral shadow.

The partial eclipse ends at 06:50 UT, when the Moon exits the umbra. By this
time the Moon will be getting quite low in the west-north-western sky. The
faint penumbral phase finally ends at 07:48 UT.

And don't forget that if you do get up before dawn to watch the lunar
eclipse that Venus and Jupiter are still a spectacular sight together in the
south-eastern twilight sky, with Venus much the brighter of the pair a few
degrees above Jupiter.

Let us hope for clear skies in the early morning hours of Monday, January

This e-bulletin issued by:

Dr John Mason

Press and Publicity Officer

British Astronomical Association

2019 January 18

BAA-ebulletin mailing list
(c) 2018 British Astronomical Association

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Next lift off....

Jan. 19Delta 4-Heavy • NROL-71

Launch time: 1905 GMT (2:05 p.m. EST; 11:05 a.m. PST)
Launch site: SLC-6, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

A United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket will launch a classified spy satellite cargo for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office. The largest of the Delta 4 family, the Heavy version features three Common Booster Cores mounted together to form a triple-body rocket. Delayed from Sept. 26. Moved forward from Dec. 3. Delayed from Nov. 29. Scrubbed on Dec. 7 by an issue with holdfire circuitry. Scrubbed on Dec. 8 at T-minus 7.5 seconds. Scrubbed on Dec. 18 by high ground winds. Scrubbed Dec. 19 after the detection of elevated hydrogen in one of the rocket’s engine compartments. Delayed from Dec. 30. Delayed from Jan. 6. [Jan. 16]

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3547

2 Messages

Digest #3547
Comet Observations 14th January 2019 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep


Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:21 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 14th January 2019

38P/ Stephan - Oterma
2019 Jan 14.64 UT; m1= 10.4; Dia= 5.0'; DC= 3/4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Coma faint and diffuse, opaque centre. Outer coma enhances in Swan Band filter, inner coma dims. Low altitude = 13.9°.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2016 N6 PanSTARRS
2019 Jan 14.65 UT; m1= 13.4; Dia= 0.7'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Difficult; Diffuse and small.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

123P/ West - Hartley
2019 Jan 14.66 UT; m1= 13.4; Dia= 1.1'; DC= 5/6; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Diffuse outer coma, small opaque centre. Appears stellar in good seeing.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
2019 Jan 14.68 UT; m1= 10.9; Dia= 4'; DC= 5; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Diffuse, opaque centre, well condensed. Background star in coma.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto
2019 Jan 14.68 UT; m1= 10.0; Dia= 6.4'; DC= 4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Enhances well in Swan Band filter, coma slightly elongated to the NE approximately. Opaque centre, fading to edges.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= TK

38 2019 01 14.64 xM 10.4 AQ 25.0L 5 39 5.0 3/ ICQ XX WYA
2016N6 2019 01 14.65 xS 13.4 AQ 25.0L 5 83 0.7 3 ICQ XX WYA
123 2019 01 14.66 xM 13.4 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.1 5/ ICQ XX WYA
2016M1 2019 01 14.68 xM 10.9 AQ 25.0L 5 39 4.0 5 ICQ XX WYA
2018Y1 2019 01 14.68 xM 10.0 TK 25.0L 5 39 6.4 4 ICQ XX WYA

Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:49 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp

C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS):
2019 Jan. 14.19 UT: m1=10.5, Dia.=6', DC=1/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Faint tail difficult to separate from the coma.
The magnitude estimate is related to the observed width
of the coma and tail. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 21.5.].

C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto):
2019 Jan. 14.26 UT: m1=8.2, Dia.=10', DC=2, 25x100B.
[ In 25x100 B: from dark mountain skies the comet shows
a wide and diffuse outer coma. Altitude: 25 deg.
In 20 cm SCT (77x) : m1=8.7, Dia.=8', DC=3.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 20.9.].

2019 Jan. 14.08 UT: m1=10.3, Dia.=4', DC=3/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.5.].

2019 Jan. 14.10 UT: m1=5.6, Dia.=45', DC=3/, 12x45 monocular..
[ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 7.0.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.5.].

2019 Jan. 14.02 UT: m1=9.8, Dia.=6', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 10.8.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.2.].

2019 Jan. 14.06 UT: m1=12.7, Dia.=1.1', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ In evolution after the recent minor outburst. Faint and diffuse
outer coma diameter: 3.5', providing m=11.2 (Tycho-2).
Condensed inner coma diameter: 1.1', providing m=12.7.
Near-stellar central condensation, m2=14.2:. Nearby field stars
checked in DSS. Limiting stellar magnitude fainter than 14.5.
Mountain location, very clear sky. APASS comparison stars.
Sidgwick method. SQM : 21.5.].

( Alto del Castro, Leon, Spain; Alt. 1720 m, 42º 54' N, 5º 48' W;
SQM 21.5 at zenith.).


ICQ Format :

2016R2 2019 01 14.19 S 10.5 TK 20.3T10 77 6 1/ ICQ XX GON05

2018Y1 2019 01 14.25 S 8.7 TK 20.3T10 77 8 3 ICQ XX GON05

2018Y1 2019 01 14.26 S 8.2 TK 10.0B 25 10 2 ICQ XX GON05

38 2019 01 14.08 S 10.3 TK 20.3T10 77 4 3/ ICQ XX

46 2019 01 14.10 S 5.6 TK 4.5R 12 45 3/ ICQ XX GON05

64 2019 01 14.02 S 9.8 TK 20.3T10 77 6 3 ICQ XX GON05

123 2019 01 14.06 S 12.7 AQ 20.3T10 100 1.1 5 ICQ XX GON05


J. J. Gonzalez


Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3546

2 Messages

Digest #3546
CCD-obs: 60P by "Artyom Novichonok" artnovich
Comet Observations 12th January 2019 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep


Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:05 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Artyom Novichonok" artnovich

Hello All!

2018 Jan. 06.01 UT: m1=13.5 (CR), Dia.=0.5', DC=7', Tail=14' (PA 294 deg) ...36.0-cm f/8 Ritchey–Chretien telescope + CCD ...A. Novichonok & A. Aliev (remotely from ISON-Kitab observatory, Uzbekistan)

All my obs for the comet here:

Best regards,
A. Novichonok.

Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:46 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 12th January 2019

64P/ Swift - Gehrels
2019 Jan 12.56 UT; m1= 9.9; Dia= 6'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Diffuse, weakly condensed. Low altitude = 10.4°.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= TK

C/2016 N6 PanSTARRS
2019 Jan 12.57 UT; m1= 13.8; Dia= 1.1'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Difficult, busy star field. Small and diffuse.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= AQ

C/2016 M1 PanSTARRS
2019 Jan 12.58 UT; m1= 10.3; Dia= 4.3'; DC= 5/6; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Bright star on coma edge, faint 12th mag star in coma. Coma diffuse, opaque and well condensed centre. Enhances in Swan Band filter.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

60P/ Tsuchinshan
2019 Jan 12.59 UT; m1= 13.8; Dia= 0.7'; DC= 5/6; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Small coma, centre appears stellar in good seeing.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

38P/ Stephan - Oterma
2019 Jan 12.60 UT; m1= 10.4; Dia= 5.5'; DC= 4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Enhances slightly in Swan Band filter, diffuse coma, moderately condensed centre. Low altitude = 14.5°.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

123P/ West - Hartley
2019 Jan 12.61 UT; m1= 13.8; Dia= 0.9'; DC= 6; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Difficult; Close to stars. Outer coma diffuse and semi-opaque, centre sometimes stellar in good seeing. Low altitude = 14.4°.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto
2019 Jan 12.62 UT; m1= 9.7; Dia= 5'; DC= 3; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Enhances in Swan Band filter. Opaque centre, pale aqua-blue in colour. Faint outer coma. Low altitude = 16.8°.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= S; Cat= TK

64 2019 01 12.56 xS 9.9 TK 25.0L 5 39 6.0 3 ICQ XX WYA
2016N6 2019 01 12.57 xS 13.8 AQ 25.0L 5 83 1.1 3 ICQ XX WYA
2016M1 2019 01 12.58 xM 10.3 AQ 25.0L 5 39 4.3 5/ ICQ XX WYA
60 2019 01 12.59 xM 13.8 AQ 25.0L 5 83 0.7 5/ ICQ XX WYA
38 2019 01 12.60 xM 10.4 AQ 25.0L 5 39 5.5 4 ICQ XX WYA
123 2019 01 12.61 xM 13.8 AQ 25.0L 5 83 0.9 6 ICQ XX WYA
2018Y1 2019 01 12.62 xS 9.7 TK 25.0L 5 39 5.0 3 ICQ XX WYA

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3544

1 Message

Digest #3544
Comet Observations 7th January 2019 by "Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep


Mon Jan 7, 2019 6:58 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Bomber2 Panther" outbackmanyep

Comet Observations 7th January 2019

60P/ Tsuchinshan
2019 Jan 07.66 UT; m1= 14.0; Dia= 0.9'; DC= 5; 25cm L, f:5 (x83) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Difficult due to proximity to stars, slight hazy sky due to low cloud passing.
Comparison stars checked using APASS data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= AQ

C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto
2019 Jan 07.67 UT; m1= 10.2; Dia= 4.5'; DC= 3/4; 25cm L, f:5 (x39) [Chris Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia]
Enhances in Swan Band filter. Moderately condensed.
Comparison stars checked using Tycho-2 data in Guide 9.0; Method= M; Cat= TK

60 2019 01 07.66 xM 14.0 AQ 25.0L 5 83 0.9 5 ICQ XX WYA
2018Y1 2019 01 07.67 xM 10.2 TK 25.0L 5 39 4.5 3/ ICQ XX WYA

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3545

1 Message

Digest #3545


Tue Jan 8, 2019 7:41 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp

C/2018 L2 (ATLAS):
- 2019 Jan. 6.78 UT: m1=9.4, Dia.=6', DC=2, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Altitude: 13 deg. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 20.7; 21.2 at zenith.].

C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto):
- 2019 Jan. 7.26 UT: m1=8.9, Dia.=8', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Altitude: 22 deg. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 20.7; 21.6 at zenith.].

- 2019 Jan. 6.80 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=6', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Faint and diffuse outer coma diameter : 6', providing m=10.1,
remnant of previous outbursts. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
Several stars inside the coma, the brightest being mag. 12.5 (APASS).
SQM : 20.9; 21.2 at zenith.].

- 2019 Jan. 4.87 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=5', DC=3,
Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.0; 21.3 at zenith.].
- 2019 Jan. 6.84 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=5', DC=3/,
Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.0; 21.2 at zenith.].

- 2019 Jan. 6.85 UT: m1=5.5, Dia.=35', DC=3/, 12x45 monocular.
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.1; 21.2 at zenith.].
- 2019 Jan. 7.16 UT: m1=5.4, Dia.=40', DC=3/, 12x45 monocular.
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.6.].

- 2019 Jan. 4.89 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.2; 21.3 at zenith.].
- 2019 Jan. 6.82 UT: m1=9.0, Dia.=8', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.2.].

- 2019 Jan. 6.81 UT: m1=11.7, Dia.=3', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (133x).
[ Sidgwick method. APASS comparison stars. SQM : 20.9; 21.2 at zenith.].

Jan. 4 : Les Retuertes - Sierra del Aramo, Asturias, Spain; alt. 1350 m,
43º 10' N, 5º 54' W; SQM : 21.3 at zenith.

Jan. 6 + 7 : Alto del Castro, Leon; Alt. 1720 m, 42º 54' N, 5º 48' W;
SQM : 21.2 to 21.6 at zenith.


ICQ Format :

2018L2 2019 01 06.78 S 9.4 TK 20.3T10 77 6 2 ICQ XX

2018Y1 2019 01 07.26 S 8.9 TK 20.3T10 77 8 2/ ICQ XX

29 2019 01 06.80 S 10.1 TK 20.3T10 77 6 1 ICQ XX

38 2019 01 04.87 S 9.9 TK 20.3T10 77 5 3 0.15 260 ICQ

38 2019 01 06.84 S 9.9 TK 20.3T10 100 5 3/ 0.15 260 ICQ

46 2019 01 06.85 S 5.5 TK 4.5R 12 35 3/ ICQ XX

46 2019 01 07.16 S 5.4 TK 4.5R 12 40 3/ ICQ XX

64 2019 01 04.89 S 9.3 TK 20.3T10 77 7 3 ICQ XX

64 2019 01 06.82 S 9.0 TK 20.3T10 77 8 3 ICQ XX

78 2019 01 06.81 S 11.7 AQ 20.3T10 133 3 3 ICQ XX


J. J. Gonzalez


Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

Friday, 4 January 2019

Fwd: [CometObs] Digest Number 3542

1 Message

Digest #3542


Thu Jan 3, 2019 9:09 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Juan Jose Gonzalez" jjgsgp

2019 Jan. 1.81 UT: m1=10.1, Dia.=7', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Faint and diffuse outer coma diameter : 7', providing
m=10.1 (TK), remnant of previous outbursts.
Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.0.].

2019 Jan. 1.85 UT: m1=9.9, Dia.=5', DC=3/,
Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 260 deg, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.1.].

2019 Jan. 1.80 UT: m1=5.0, Dia.=40', DC=4, naked eye.
[ In 12x45 monocular: m1=5.2, Dia.=45', DC=3/;
several stars inside the coma, the brightest being
mag. 7.9 (TK). Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 21.2.].

2019 Jan. 1.87 UT: m1=9.1, Dia.=7', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars. SQM : 21.2.].

C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS):
2019 Jan. 2.26 UT: m1=10.7, Dia.=6', DC=1, 20 cm SCT (100x).
[ Faint tail difficult to separate from the coma.
The magnitude estimate is related to the observed width of
the coma and tail. Several stars inside the coma, the brightest
being mag. 12.6 (AQ). Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 21.5.].

C/2018 L2 (ATLAS):
2019 Jan. 1.77 UT: m1=9.3, Dia.=6', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Altitude: 14 deg. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 20.7.].

C/2018 N2 (ASASSN):
2019 Jan. 1.83 UT: m1=12.9, Dia.=0.8', DC=5, 20 cm SCT (133x).
[ Altitude: 12 deg. Sidgwick method. APASS comparison stars.
SQM : 20.9.].

C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto):
2019 Jan. 2.25 UT: m1=9.2, Dia.=5', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x).
[ Altitude: 19 deg. Sidgwick method. Tycho-2 comparison stars.
SQM : 20.8.].

( Alto del Castro, Leon, Spain; Alt. 1720 m, 42º 54' N, 5º 48' W;
SQM 21.5 at zenith.).


ICQ Format :

29 2019 01 01.81 S 10.1 TK 20.3T10 77 7 1 ICQ

38 2019 01 01.85 S 9.9 TK 20.3T10 100 5 3/ 0.15 260 ICQ

46 2019 01 01.78 S 5.2 TK 4.5R 12 45 3/ ICQ XX

46 2019 01 01.80 S 5.0 TK 0.0E 1 40 4 ICQ XX

64 2019 01 01.87 S 9.1 TK 20.3T10 77 7 3 ICQ XX

2016R2 2019 01 02.26 S 10.7 TK 20.3T10 100 6 1 ICQ XX

2018L2 2019 01 01.77 S 9.3 TK 20.3T10 77 6 2/ ICQ XX

2018N2 2019 01 01.83 S 12.9 AQ 20.3T10 133 0.8 5 ICQ

2018Y1 2019 01 02.25 S 9.2 TK 20.3T10 77 5 2/ ICQ XX


J. J. Gonzalez


Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website: