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Digest #1024
Comet Chasing Group Policies
The primary mission of this group is to promote recreational comet
observing with a emphasis on visual observation.
Observing the fainter telescopic comets at the telescope as if they are
moving deep sky objects is what Comet Chasing is all about.
A note about terminology: "Comet Hunting" is the common term to describe
the act of searching for new comet discoveries. Please use the term "Comet
Chasing" to refer to the observation of known comets to avoid confusion.
(1) Everyone is Welcome
Everyone interested in comets is welcome here, no matter their
level of experience. As this group was specifically created to promote
the hobby, newbies are particularly encouraged to ask questions.
Experienced comet observers are encouraged to answer these questions and
share their experience.
(2) Posting of Observations is Encouraged
The posting observations makes this group an excellent resource for
those who are wondering what they can see in their own telescope. The
observation format is very informal. Visual magnitude and coma diameter
estimates are quite welcome, but not necessary. Please try to avoid
acronyms or abbreviations. E.g. rather than ML write "magnitude limit"
whenever possible. Useful observations should include the following
a. The aperture of your instrument (e.g 7x50 binoculars, 4-inch
telescope, etc.)
b. An idea of your observing conditions. This could be anything from a
naked-eye limiting magnitude to a general idea of how dark your skies
are (e.g. downtown of large city, out in the country with only some
light pollution, etc.)
c. How easily the comet was seen (e.g. Very difficult with averted
vision, big bright and obvious, etc.)
(3) Keep Postings on Topic and of Global Interest
This is a very focused group with members from around the world.
Postings are limited to the topic of comets only. Although the
primary purpose of this group is to promote Comet Chasing, any
discussion related to comets is welcome including comet imaging,
historical comets and comet science.
Specific prohibitions:
a. Ads or promotions for commercial products are not permitted.
b. General announcements of events or meetings that are of local or
regional interest only are not permitted. Announcements of events that
are of specific interest to comet observers *are* permitted.
c. Email attachments are not permitted and are automatically removed.
If you wish to post images or files please upload to the Images or Files
section of the group web site.
(4) Always be Kind, Friendly and Respectful
Postings must at all times be respectful of others. At no time are
personal attacks or arguments of a personal nature acceptable.
(5) Keep Posting Relevant
Please try to keep "me to" type postings to a minimum, and trim all
replies appropriately. Please consider that there are many group
members and avoid filling mailboxes with conversations between only two
parties. Such conversations are often best taken to private email.
(6) Software Tools and the Group Founder
As many of you know I am an astronomical software developer. I did not
create this group to promote my software and will avoid discussion of my
products here. Questions or discussion of my software should be
directed to me personally, or to the SkyTools group:
As the group grows I will solicit co-moderators and in time I hope to
turn over the group to one of them, eventually becoming just another
group member.
See my Comet Chasing article in the April 2005 Sky & Telescope.
Group website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CometChasing/
Skyhound Comet Chasing: http://www.skyhound.com/sh/comets.html
Comet Observation Home Page: http://cometobservation.com/
ICQ/CBAT/MPC: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/icq/CometMags.html
Comets and Meteor Showers: http://comets.amsmeteors.org/
BAA Comet Section: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jds/
Comet Section of Germany http://www.fg-kometen.de/fgk_hpe.htm
Greg Crinklaw
Comet Chasing Founder and Moderator
Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website: http://www.lyra-astro.co.uk/
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