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Monday, 8 July 2019

[BAA-ebulletin 01031] First Sunspot of Cycle 25

BAA electronic bulletin

The first sunspot of the new solar cycle 25 has been confirmed as
AR2744 S27/209 type Bxo
The sunspot emerged in the south east quadrant on the 6th and
strengthened on the 7th but has already dissolved on the disk by this
morning (July 8th).
AR2744 may not be significant as sunspots go but we can officially
welcome the start of the new solar cycle.
Lyn Smith
BAA Solar Section

Sent from Outlook<>

BAA-ebulletin mailing list visit:
(c) 2018 British Astronomical Association

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and
also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and
Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland
Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
Lyra Main Website:

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