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Monday, 10 August 2009


KAG is Kessingland's own small amateur astronomical club that has been running for about three years and is part of the LYRA astronomical society. The group was created for those who have little or no knowledge of astronomy, so our aim is to teach beginners basic skills in looking around the night sky.
Using  a powerful, green light laser beam to point out star features, you will learn how to identify the main constellations that will help you to find your way around the heavens, which at the moment, may appear to be nothing but a jumble of stars. You will also have an opportunity to see some of the easy to find deep sky objects, have a close-up look of the moon, and possibly see Jupiter with its moons as well as Saturn's rings if they are in sight. You might even be lucky enough to see a shooting star or even a comet that sometimes grace our northern sky.

If you wish to embark on a new venture that is out of this world, then please do come along to my Friday evening meetings that are held on a large lawn at the front of the Nordalls, Kessingland, from 21.00 hours (9pm) onwards, but from September onwards we meet at 20.00 hours (8pm).
You don't need a lot of knowledge of the skies just bring yourself with or without Binoculars or a Telescope and come along for a trip of a lifetime and follow the laser beam that will show you many wonders in the heavens - clear skies and weather permitting of course.
You will be supplied with simple maps and diagrams where appropriate.
All we ask is a small donation of 50p+ per person to cover paper costs etc.
Please contact Colin Watling on 01502 741875
or at
Please alert me through these Contacts if you are interested in attending-thankyou...


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