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Monday, 25 November 2013

Amazing Photos of Comet ISON at Dawn

Space Weather News for Nov. 21, 2013

AMAZING COMET PIX: Comet ISON is plunging toward the sun for a perilous close encounter on Nov. 28th. Even experts aren't sure if the furiously vaporizing comet can survive its passage through the solar atmosphere on Thanksgiving Day.  Some of the final pictures from Earth may be coming in now--and they are amazing.  The comet, sporting a green head and streaming tail, is entering the rosy glow of dawn not far from the planet Mercury.  Visit to see the latest images from around the world.

DON'T MISS THE NEXT SOLAR FLARE: Lately, solar activity has been high. Would you like a call when solar flares are underway? X-flare alerts are available from (text) and (voice).

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)

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