The SOCIETY for POPULAR ASTRONOMY Electronic News Bulletin No. 365 2013 November 24 Here is the latest round-up of news from the Society for Popular Astronomy. The SPA is Britain's liveliest astronomical society, with members all over the world. We accept subscription payments online at our secure site and can take credit and debit cards. You can join or renew via a secure server or just see how much we have to offer by visiting COMET ISON NASA Comet ISON is now within the orbit of the Earth as it plunges headlong towards the Sun for a close encounter on November 28. Although it is not as bright as many forecasts predicted, it is putting on a fair show for observatories around the Solar System. Spacecraft and amateur astronomers alike are taking pictures of the comet's green coma and filamentary double tail. Because ISON has never passed through the inner Solar System before (it is a first-time visitor from the distant Oort cloud), experts do not know what will happen next. Astronomers say that there are three possible outcomes: 1) Disintegration before November 28. Some comets have disintegrated. Recent examples include Comet LINEAR (C/1999 S4) in 2000 and Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) in 2011. ISON is now reaching the region near the Sun where such comets have disintegrated. ISON is being observed by so many telescopes on Earth and beyond that, if it does disintegrate, it will be the best-observed case of cometary disruption in history. 2) Disintegration and/or evaporation around November 28. If ISON survives the next few days intact, it faces a very close approach to the Sun. At perihelion, its equilibrium temperature will be about 2700°C, hot enough to vaporize much of the dust and rock on its surface. While it may seem incredible that anything could survive such a high temperature, the rate at which ISON might evaporate is small in comparison with the size of the comet's nucleus. ISON needs to be about 200 m across to survive; current estimates of its actual size are in the range 500-2000 m. It helps that the comet is moving very fast, so it will not be exposed for long to such a high temperature. But even if it survives the rapid vaporization of its exterior, it will get so close to the Sun that the Sun's gravity might cause it to disintegrate. Destroyed comets can still be spectacular, though. Sun-grazing Comet Lovejoy, for instance, passed within 100,000 miles of the Sun's surface in 2011 December. It disintegrated, forming a spectacular tail of dust. 3) Survival The final case is straightforward: ISON survives its brush with the Sun and emerges with enough nuclear material to continue as an active comet. If it survives intact, it will probably lose enough dust near the Sun to produce a fine tail, which at best might stretch for tens of degrees and grace the early-morning sky somewhat as Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) did in 2007. ASTEROID WITH SIX COMET-LIKE TAILS NASA Astronomers using the Hubble telescope have seen an asteroid, designated P/2013 P5, with six comet-like tails of dust. The tail structures have changed dramatically in just 13 days as the comet has ejected dust, as it has been doing from time to time for at least some months. Astronomers believe that the asteroid's rotation rate may have increased to the point where its surface has started to fly away. They do not believe that the tails are the result of an impact with another asteroid, because they have not seen a large quantity of dust produced all at once. Scientists using the Pan-STARRS survey telescope in Hawaii announced their discovery of the asteroid on August 27. P/2013 P5 appeared as an unusually fuzzy-looking object. The multiple tails were discovered when Hubble was used to take a more detailed image on September 10. When Hubble looked at the asteroid again on September 23, its appearance had totally changed; it looked as if the entire structure had swung round. Modelling by the Max Planck Institute for Solar-System Research in Lindau suggested that the tails could have been formed by a series of impulsive dust-ejection events, on about April 15, July 18 and 24, August 8 and 26, and September 4. Radiation pressure from the Sun stretched the dust into streamers. Radiation pressure could also have spun the asteroid up to such an extent that its weak gravity no longer could hold it together. If that happened, dust etc could slide to its equator, shatter and fall off, and drift into space to make a tail. So far, probably only about 100 to 1,000 tons of dust has been lost. The asteroid's nucleus, about 300 m across, is thousands of times more massive than the estimated amount of ejected dust. Astronomers will continue observing P/2013 P5 to see whether the dust leaves the asteroid in the equatorial plane. If it does, that would be strong evidence for a rotational breakup. It appears that P/2013 P5 is a fragment of a larger asteroid that broke apart in a collision roughly 200 million years ago; there are many other fragments in similar orbits. Meteorites thought to have come from those bodies show evidence of having been heated to as much as 800°C, making it likely that the asteroid is composed of metamorphic rocks and does not hold any ice as a comet does. DAWN SPACECRAFT PROMPTS REVISION OF VESTA'S HISTORY NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Data from the Dawn mission suggest that the history of the asteroid Vesta is more complicated than was previously thought. If Vesta's formation had followed the script for the formation of rocky planets like our own, heat from the interior would have created distinct, separated layers of rock (generally, a core, mantle and crust). In that case, the mineral olivine should be concentrated in the mantle. But Dawn's observations of the huge southern-hemisphere craters that exposed the lower crust and should have excavated the mantle did not find evidence of olivine there. Instead, there were clear signatures of olivine in the surface material in the northern hemisphere. Such blatant discrepancies from expectation must indicate, at the very least, that Vesta has had a more complex evolutionary history than had been supposed. BLACK HOLES FOUND IN GLOBULAR STAR CLUSTERS Texas Tech University Globular star clusters are large groupings of stars thought to contain some of the oldest stars in the Universe. In the same distance as from the Sun to Proxima Centauri, globular star clusters could have a million to tens of millions of stars. The stars are close enough together to collide with one another occasionally. It was believed that the interaction of stars would be liable to eject any black holes that formed. While that theory may still be wrong, astronomers have said it might still be somewhat true. Black holes might still get ejected from globular clusters, but not as readily as initially believed. In 2007, researchers made the first discovery of a black hole in a globular star cluster, in the external galaxy NGC 4472. They found it by seeing X-ray emission from the gas falling into the black hole and heating up to a few million degrees. Now researchers from Texas have discovered the first examples of black holes in a globular cluster in our own Galaxy. They used the Very Large Array of radio telescopes in New Mexico, and detected a certain type of emission made by holes as they assimilate stars. When a hole captures a star, most of the material falls into the hole, but some is thrown outwards in a jet, with the emission of a characteristic type of radio signal. HUBBLE OBSERVES SUPERNOVAE NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Supernovae occur when stars reach the ends of their 'lives' with dramatic explosions, expelling most of their material into space. Last year, a supernova called SN 2012im occurred in the spiral galaxy NGC 6984. Now another star in the same galaxy has exploded, forming supernova SN 2013ek. SN 2012im is called a Type Ic supernova, while 2013ek is a Type Ib. Both types are caused by the core collapse of massive stars that have shed their outer layers of hydrogen. Type Ic supernovae are thought to have lost more of their outer envelope than Type Ib, including a layer of helium. Hubble observations taken on August 19 were intended to locate the new explosion more precisely. It is so close to last year's that the two events seem to be linked -- the chance of two completely independent supernovae so close together exploding within a year of one another is very small. It was initially suggested that the new one might be the old one somehow flaring up again, but further observations indicate that they are separate supernovae -- although they may be related in some as-yet- unknown way. MAVEN MARS ORBITER NASA Billions of years ago when the Solar System was young, Mars was a very different world from the one it is today. Liquid water flowed in long rivers that emptied into lakes and shallow seas and a thick atmosphere blanketed the planet and kept it warm. In that environment, living microbes might have found a home, starting Mars on a path to becoming a second life-filled planet next to our own. Today, Mars is bitterly cold and desiccated. Its thin atmosphere provides scant cover for a surface marked by dry riverbeds and empty lakes. In an effort to find out what happened, NASA has sent to Mars a new orbiter called MAVEN ['Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN'!], which is due to arrive in September next year. Mars could have been wet and warm 4 billion years ago only if it then had a thick atmosphere. A thick blanket of CO2 and other greenhouse gases would have provided the warmer temperatures and the greater atmospheric pressure required to keep liquid water from freezing solid or boiling away. Something caused Mars to lose that blanket. One possibility is the solar wind. Unlike the Earth, Mars is not protected by a global magnetic field. Instead, there are 'magnetic umbrellas' scattered around the planet, that shelter only part of the atmosphere. Erosion of exposed areas by the solar wind might have slowly stripped the atmosphere away over billions of years. Recent isotopic measurements of the Martian atmosphere by the rover Curiosity support that idea: light isotopes of hydrogen and argon are depleted with respect to their heavier counterparts, suggesting that they have been preferentially lost into space. Scientists have also speculated that the planet's surface might have absorbed the CO2 and locked it up in minerals such as carbonates, but in recent years Mars rovers and orbiters have failed to find enough carbonate to account for the missing gas. MAVEN's instruments are intended to document the flow of CO2 and other molecules into space. Once scientists know how quickly Mars is losing CO2 now, they may be able to extrapolate backwards in time to estimate the total amount lost, and decide whether loss to space was the most important driver of Martian climate change. Bulletin compiled by Clive Down (c) 2013 the Society for Popular Astronomy website:
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