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Thursday, 27 February 2014

CME Impact and Geomagnetic Storm

Space Weather News for Feb. 27, 2014

CME IMPACT: As expected, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field today (Feb. 27th @ 1645 UT), and the impact has triggered geomagnetic storms around Earth's poles.  The CME is an after-effect of the X4.9 class solar flare reported on Feb. 25th.  Visit for updates about this developing space weather event.

AURORA ALERTS:  Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms are underway? Aurora alerts are available from (text) and (voice).

Good Clear Skies
Colin James Watling
Various Voluntary work-Litter Picking for Parish Council (Daytime) and also a friend of Kessingland Beach (Watchman)
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)

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