Subject: Invitation to a DASH Astro meeting
Dear fellow Astro Societies,
Some of you may know of us, but for those of you who don't -hello! We are a new astronomical society operating out of the Suffolk Coastal village of Darsham, we formed last year and are beginning to attract members although we are still relatively small; we are growing steadily and our lovely dark skies are a big draw.
I'm contacting you to invite you to our meeting on Wednesday 12th March, with our honorary president Professor Michael Rowan-Robinson. I understand that it will be a bit of a journey for some of you but it's not every day we get a world renowned astrophysicist talking to a society in Suffolk, and you may wish to make the journey.
We are very lucky to have Professor Michael Rowan-Robinson as our Honorary President. He is the former Head of the Astrophysics Group at Imperial College London and was the President of the Royal Astronomical Society from 2006-08. Professor Rowan-Robinson's research interests include: The Spitzer Space Telescope SWIRE project; The European Large Area ISO Survey; The UK SCUBA Survey; The IRAS PSC Redshift Survey ; the Herschel Space Observatory SPIRE instrument; the Planck Surveyor HFI. He is the author of six books on astronomy and numerous papers, he is also a prominent educator - participating in various television and radio shows.
Professor Michael's talk is entitled “The New Astronomy - 50 years of astronomy in the invisible wavelength,’ a subject on which he is a world renowned expert on; being awarded the 2008 Hoyle Medal by the institute of Physics for his pioneering research in infrared and submillimetre astronomy, and observational cosmology.
If you want to find out more about Professor Michael Rowan - Robinson you can check out his Wikipedia page or the information on Imperial’s website.
And if you want to come along to the meeting and meet him you will be most welcome. Admission will be free (donations are welcome). The meeting will be in All Saints’ Church, Darsham - in the actual church - from 7pm.
Please let the members of your society know about this exciting event and if you, or any of them, wish to contact me for more details then please forward my email and my phone number 07885 607374.
Hopefully some of you will be able to join us.
Clear Skies,
Annaliese Matheron
Secretary of DASH Astro
Sent from Surface … of Saturn!
Colin James Watling
Real Astronomer and head of the Comet section for LYRA (Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Regional Astronomers) also head of K.A.G (Kessingland Astronomy Group) and Navigator (Astrogator) of the Stars (Fieldwork)
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